It is a new way to earn big income by going on any crypto exchange like binance and choose around 20 “copy trading” bot and put around 5$ on any “copy trading” bot and observe the bot result for around 1 to 4 weeks. After this period of observation, you will see the bot which works well. And you will just submit the history bot to Refonte Infini website and our users will start to connect to your “copy trading” bot on binance and you will start to earn commission from our user.
For example: Let say you go on binance and you test around 10 copy trading bot and you found after 3 weeks that one of the 10 bots is working well. Now, you came on Refonte Infini website and you open an account and you share your binance public key to Refonte Infini website. Our global advanced scientific algorithm will monitor your binance account in real time and send the order entry point and order exit point to our clients. Let say around 1000 clients on Refonte Infini website have subscribe to your binance public key and let say that you copy trading bot on binance is making around 10% every month. Generally, the average capital for each client on Refonte Infini is around 10,000$. So, if 1000 clients on Refonte Infini subscribe to your binance public key and any client put around 1000$, it mean that you will have around 1,000,000$ capital connected to your binance public key. 10% of 1,000,000$ is 100,000$. You can now ask to Refonte Infini client a profit share that you want. Let say you decide to take 10% for profit sharing: it mean that you will have 10,000$ every month by just doing “Testing & Earning Trading”
You may know that the big problem in investment is the choice. It is very hard or impossible for an individual to choose the best choice between 10,000 choices. If you combine all “copy trading” bots on major crypto platforms like,, and, you will see that you have more than 10,000 “copy trading” bots only on those 4 crypto platforms. Now, can you tell us how you can do to choose the best “copy trading” bot between those 10,000 bots ? You see, it is very very hard for a single individual to choose the best bots between 10,000 bots. Also, the number of “copy trading” bot is increasing every day and choosing the best “copy trading” bot is becoming very challenging for a single individual. So, by doing “Test & Earn” trading you are helping millions of people around the world to definitely solve this headage challenging of choosing the best “copy trading” bot.
The example below show you that you can earn easily 10,000$ every month only by making “Test & Earn” Trading:
For example: Let say you go on binance and you test around 10 copy trading bot and you found after 3 weeks that one of the 10 bots is working well. Now, you came on Refonte Infini website and you open an account and you share your binance public key to Refonte Infini website. Our global advanced scientific algorithm will monitor your binance account in real time and send the order entry point and order exit point to our clients. Let say around 1000 clients on Refonte Infini website have subscribe to your binance public key and let say that you copy trading bot on binance is making around 10% every month. Generally, the average capital for each client on Refonte Infini is around 10000$. So, if 1000 clients on Refonte Infini subscribe to your binance public key and any client put around 1000$, it mean that you will have around 1,000,000$ capital connected to your binance public key. 10% of 1,000,000$ is 100,000$. You can now ask to Refonte Infini client a profit share that you want. Let say you decide to take 10% for profit sharing: it mean that you will have 10,000$ every month by just doing “Testing & Earning Trading”
aYou need a device (phone or pc or desktop) with internet connexion
bRegister on Refonte Infini website by clicking here
cOpen an account on any crypto platform that has “copy trading” or “trading bots” features and deposit around 50$ in your account. If you don’t have 50$ and you want to make “Test & Earn” Trading, you can click here to claim your 100$ from Refonte Infini and start “Testing & Earning Trading” now !
dDispatch your 50$ or your 100$ in around 10 “copy trading” bots and observe the result every days for around 10 days or 30 days. In other words, you need to divide your capital per 10 and put any peace in one “copy trading” bot and you monitor the result every day to see which bot is performing well. After 10 days or 30 days, you can now see the best “copy trading” bot.
eGo on Refonte Infini website and submit the historical performance for the bot that you have chosen. NB: To preserve your hard work of “testing and choosing the best bot, you will submit only the historical performance for the bot without the name for the crypto exchange and without the information about the bot itself. Refonte Infini will contact you and you will add the public key for your crypto exchange and your will start earn big money from Refonte Infini customers every month
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