Refonte Infini Affiliate Partnership

Join Our Partnerships & Our Affiliate Program

Invite people or your friends and Receive up to $300 or exactly 20% of any license price. Click here to register and start earning good income from Our Partnerships & Our Affiliate Program.

Types of licenses: All types of licenses

1st level


2nd level


3rd level


4th level


5th level




Who is concern about our "Partnerships & Our Affiliate Program"? All person who need good income

Example: When you invite someone to join our company Refonte Infini, we will give you 20% in dollars (USD) of the license that he has bought.

Why you should definitely join our Partnerships & Affiliate Program ? Instead of giving money to Youtube, Google, Facebook, TikTok and other advertising platforms, we have chosen to help you by offering you to collaborate directly with us: all you have to do is to talk about our platform around you and you will automatically receive from us up to $300 or exactly 20% on each license.